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What is FriendshipWeek?
FriendshipWeek is a non-profit organization to help celebrate, and embrace the message of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Friendship throughout the world, so #NoFriendLeftBehind! Join the global movement to make the world a friendly and more inviting place. Let’s all come together to celebrate friendship, love, care, empathy, and leadership. Let’s befriend, spread friendship and celebrate #FriendshipWeek
No Friend left Behind
For the past few years, friendship has become an issue for many, with friendships blocked, and the whole world sitting behind their screens. As the world is bouncing back, making friends again, is getting harder than it should. So, at FriendshipWeek, we have a mission to build friendships, one friend at a time.
Countdown to FriendshipWeek
Our mission is simple, to make sure NoFriendLeftBehind, and to help students around the world acknowledge their superpower! The power of Friendship!